Milk and cookies anyone? A girl on my tour told me she had a dream about getting up in the middle of the night and having milk and cookies with her favorite uncle. He told her how much he loved her. He lived several states over, his sister, her aunt and she were at her grandmothers house visiting. The next morning her aunt asked her if she had gotten up in the night and had milk and cookies and she told her about her dream. They then found out her uncle had passed away that night. The only thing here that's news to me is the milk and cookies. A nice twist on a story I've heard over and over.
Walking down the street with a tour behind me. Wife says "our laundry room's haunted". Husband says "it is not". Wife says " how would you know, you don't do the laundry". Husband says "well, I did carry the dog in there once and he couldn't get out fast enough". Over my left shoulder I say "oh, your laundry room's haunted".
Here's something that has gotten my attention lately and something I've said all along. Spirits coming through dreams and don't mess with Indian burial grounds.
I had a girl on my tour who said her family owned 126 acres in western Georgia. She had seen a man that didn't exist and she and her mother had had a few experiences but this was the clincher. There was an area with small scattered mounds of stones and something around it and her grandfather was going to clear it and put in a garden. One morning he said the night before, in a dream, an Indian chief had come to him and told him not to disturb that area. She said he was obviously freaked a little, never really spoke about it again and did not clear that area nor has anyone else. I always thought maybe a redemption to be served but this story makes me take a new look at "the big picture" which are the stories I love the most.
A girl on my tour was an administrator in nursing homes for 17 years. The patient in question was dying and on their watch list. He had been on the sex offenders list for as long as they had had one, 20 years, had hepatitis B and C and was suffering from alcohol related dementia. An all-over-not-nice-person. A nurse called her in one day and said the AC wasn't working in his room. They felt fine but he was sweating profusely and they were changing his sheets every hour. She called the doctor in and he said it was just the way it was. She asked the nurse if she had ever seen anything like it. No, never. Normally she said a patient will go through a period of a “death rattle”, take a last breath, maybe another one or two and pass. She said she didn't hear it but everyone within ear shot did. He let out a blood curdling scream instead of a last breath before he left. Makes you think. I've mentioned several times you can sometimes reason with a disturbing spirit in your house. Just speak clearly as if they were right there and come from a place of strength, not fear or anxiety. Last night a girl told me she lived in a house where all kinds of strange things would go on with frequent sightings of a man and a child and not just by her. One day she got fed up and let it know this nonsense had to stop. It did, for two years. It started back up in full force the day they were packing up to move. Spirits do not like change of any kind (see last post). She said it didn't move with them. I suspect from the tone of her voice she was a little disappointed.
I've got another good one. A guy on the tour said his sister lived in a house that had a bunch of junk in the basement. She wondered why no one had gotten rid of it but as she was gradually getting it out she kept smelling this awful smell. She also started having these dreams with an old lady in them. One night in the dream the old lady grabbed her by the shoulders, shook her and yelled "leave my stuff alone" while out of the old women mouth came that same awful smell. Mystery solved!
He also had another story. He said there was a house on his families property that had the ghost of a little red headed girl. The grandmother had seen her, everyone that had lived in the house had and red hair was not the only distinct feature she had. The girl was Mongoloid. The last people that lived in the house had a child that kept referring to her as the little girl with the funny face. After the house was torn down the little red headed girl moved across the field into another house they owned. She had a sweet tooth (I can relate) and he said his brother who lived in this house and his fiance almost broke up over it because every time he turned around there would be a bite taken out of a rice crispy's bar or other sweet and he thought it was his fiance until someone saw the same red headed girl in the new house and the mystery was solved. Who knew Iowa was so haunted? FINALLY! A fresh new story and it's going to hit a nerve with you ladies. A girl on my tour told me she, her husband and son lived in a house in Alabama when the son was about 9. They never said anything to him because they didn't want him to be freaked out. She said he recently commented, "remember that house we used to live in in Alabama? I used to sleep at night with the covers over my head because something kept walking around my bed at night". He had never mentioned it then but she said plenty of strange things went on. Once while her sister and brother-in-law were visiting the brother-in-law went to go upstairs to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw her husband Chris at the top. He kept calling out his name as he walked up but no one answered and when he got to the top no one was there. They cut their trip short by two days and left the next day. She was talking to her sister on the phone sometime after that and she said "I don't know how you can stand living in that house, why don't you move". She replied that she was tired of this s**t and if it kept up it needed to start paying rent. No sooner did it cross her lips but all the electricity in the house went off. She got off the phone and out of the house until her husband got home from work and it was all back on. Coincidence? Could be.
NOW, for the part you ladies are going to like. Every day, and I mean without fail, her husband would go to work before she did and got home after she did and every day without fail she would get home and the toiled seat would be up. You gotta love it! Has anyone else noticed all those haunted programs on TV have all but dried up? Haunted pub crawls are still going strong though (actually I think it's the pub part that pulls them in week after week).
Just another night on the job last night with the usual stories from people on the tour, good times and meeting new friends. A girl from St Johns, New Brunswick Canada who lived in an area where the city had burned to ground in 1877 wiping out 1600 structures and 200 acres had some tales to tell. She said a picture would come off the wall in the bathroom, slide across to the other side but the nail in the wall was perfect, just like it had been. She said other strange things would happen and occasionally the dog would stare up at one corner of the living room. She would tell him he was just seeing ghosts not really believing it. Nothing new for me. An English guy from London said someone would knock at one of his windows and it had started to weird out his family who had heard it too. He lived on the third floor. That was new but not surprising. I've read about this happening to women but not men. The girl who told this story said if she saw it here she would give me a really bad review so no particulars. Her boy friend was a manager of a restaurant here in Savannah who had to stay over night to do inventory occasionally. The restaurant/building always had strange things happening, especially on the top floors. One night while locked in after closing until 6 AM he was "held down", unable to move for about 15 minutes. He actually had to do it a second time (this is one place where I would have drawn the line) and it happened again. He no longer works there.
I had a guy tell me he had a buddy who was a football player at West Point, was housed in an old building that had been used as a hospital for enemy prisoners during the Revolutionary War. He woke up one night, couldn't breath, looked up and a man was holding a pillow over his face. He started to swing at "it" and "it" just dissipated and his breathing problem stopped. Most of the stories I hear about are of a playful nature. Not these two. I was shocked when I started telling a story on the tour involving dolls at how many women hate them (clowns too). With porcelain dolls the creep factor goes off the charts.
This girl was telling me she used to do sleep overs with a friend when she was little girl but always refused to sleep in the room her friend shared with her sister because the sister collected dolls. Later in high school her friend told her that her sister had sold the doll collection because they started to scare her. She would turn them all around at night so they couldn't look at her when she was sleeping and every morning they would all be turned back around facing her again. I know for a fact that dolls were originally designed to hold spirits, not as play things. Maybe there's something to it? |