I tell people I did not jump into this job (Craigslist actually) believing in ghosts. If asked I probably would have said no but I really never gave it much thought (too many present world fish to fry). There's a house I used to include on my tour until one of the neighbors yelled at me one night (I don't like to be yelled at) that was once considered "the" most haunted house in Savannah. A women standing in the middle of the street took a picture, called me over and there was definitely a moon over the house on her camera but when you looked up at the house, no moon. I convinced myself a cloud had moved in. One night I was surfing on TV as guys will and on the Biography Channel they had an entire program about orbs. I thought, I'm in this business now, I should probably be listening to this crap. I watched the entire program (to this day the only ghost program I've watched) and it made a compelling argument. Shortly after that I had a couple on my tour who said they got married at the Simpson House in Kansas City (not a clue but I assume it's one of those nice old houses where they do special functions) and all their wedding photographs were filled with orbs. I asked, did you sue the wedding photographer? They replied they couldn't because all their guests photographs were filled with orbs too. I am now on board with orbs. They were actually blown off by most people until digital cameras and they could afford to take 98 photographs. They can no longer be ignored. Current theories are; less energy to materialize than a full body apparition, spirits in transitions and my favorite, angels among us. Have a blessed day.